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 11 August, 2006

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Capital: Eltabbar
Population: about 5 million (humans 60%; gnolls, orcs, and other humanoids 25%, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes 10%; other races 5%)
Government: Magocracy
Major Religions: Bane, Gargauth, Kelemvor, Kossuth, Loviatar, Malar, Shar, Talona, Umberlee
Imports:  Iron, magic items, monsters, slaves, spells
Exports: Art, fruit, grains, jewelry, magic items, timber
Alignment: LE, NE, N

Thay is ruled by cruel wizards who rely on slavery to provide them with the wealth and luxury they need to support their magical research and dreams of conquest.  The country is ruled by 8 Zulkirs, one representing each school of magic.  The Zulkirs choose Tharchions, civil governors who manage the mundane affairs of the land and serve at the pleasure of the Red Wizards.  The Red Wizard constantly scheme and plot against one another and their neighbors.  Thayan armies have marched on Aglarond and Rashemen many times, and most people think it's only a matter of time before the Thayans return to their old habits of taking what they want though force of arms and magic.

Map- The Tharchs of Thay from "Spellbound"

Overview Of Thay

Most of Thay is located atop the heavily settled, lush Thayan Plateau, accessible only at a few well-guarded locations. The nation is otherwise surrounded by high cliff walls known as the First Escarpment, which have proved virtually impregnable to large military forces.

The central volcanic peaks of Thaymount sit atop the inner fortress of the Second Escarpment (another series of cliffs). From the mountains pour the three major rivers of Thay-- Eltar, Umber, and Lapendrar.

Most of Thay has been thoroughly tamed, cultivated, and settled by the Red Wizards and their subjects. The bulk of the plateau is covered with slave plantations, villages, and small fortresses known as tax stations. Commerce and travel in Thay centers along two great highways: the north-south High Road, and the east-west artery called the Eastern Way.

But Thay is known more for its inhabitants than its geography. The Red Wizards are a threat to all of Faerûn, held back by the Simbul and Rashemen and their own disorganization. Those who know Thay realize that it is the Red Wizards’ own lack of a coherent structure and their refusal to combine forces that keeps them from conquering the rest of Toril.

The nation is divided into 11 political regions known as Tharchs. The rulers of the Tharchs--the Tharchions and Tharchionesses-- are selected by the Zulkirs, the council of eight powerful Red Wizards who truly rule the land. Within a Tharch, the Tharchion or Tharchioness has absolute power only so long as his or her will does not conflict with that of the Zulkirs. In Thay, the Zulkirs rule supreme.

 Geography of Thay

The Alaor

The Alaor is an island south of Bezantur, constituting the smallest Tharch in Thay. Its size belies its importance. Although it is craggy and rugged, with virtually no arable land, the island houses Thay’s main naval base.

The Citadel

Buried atop one of the highest peaks of Thaymount, the Citadel was already here when the Kingdom of Raumathar first claimed the land millennia ago. Its original builders are unknown, but dilapidated wall paintings and bas reliefs at the lower levels of the fortress suggest that they may have been an advanced race of lizard men.

The First Escarpment

This long line of sheer cliffs, ranging from 50 to over 200 feet in height, forms Thay’s western border and first line of defense. A natural fortress protecting Thay’s fertile highlands, the First Escarpment provides the land with greater security than the largest army.

This is not to say that the Thayans skimp when it comes to their military defenses. The high cliffs are honeycombed with tunnels, barracks, and fortresses carved from the living rock. Here, garrisons of gnolls and other troops keep watch at all likely invasion points. Small citadels, also manned by gnolls or elite human troops, are liberally sprinkled along the edge of the Escarpment as well. These fortresses serve the double purpose of strengthening Thay’s defenses and keeping an eye out for escaped slaves or refugees.

There are only a handful of major routes up the Escarpment and onto the Plateau of Thay beyond. These routes are detailed below and are all well guarded by the Thayan military.

The High Road and the Eastern Way

These two main arteries of travel in southern Thay were originally constructed by the god-kings of Mulhorand. Elevated several feet above the ground and covered with sturdy alchemical tar, the roads are carefully maintained by the Red Wizards, who constantly send out teams of slaves to repair and resurface them. Tax stations and their attendant villages lie at regular intervals along the roads, and patrols of humans and gnolls are a constant sight to travelers and merchant caravans.

Lake Thaylambar

This vast and deep lake is located in central eastern Thay and feeds both the Thay and Thazarim Rivers. Both the ruins of the old imperial capital of Delhumide and the Thayan capital of Eltabbar are located along Thaylambar's shores. Lake Thaylambar contains rich fishing grounds but also harbors a number of dragon turtles in its icy depths.

The Long Portage

As the River Thay flows north toward Lake Mulsantir, it descends the slopes of the First Escarpment. Although most of the Escarpment is quite sheer, the River Thay has carved a relatively gentle descent down the cliffs. It is still far too rough and swift moving for upstream boat travel, and passage downstream is fast and hazardous. Land portage in this area is required for efficient travel.

Over 300 years ago, the Guild of Portagers charged exorbitant rates to haul vessels overland. The Red Wizards took exception to the rates charged by the guildmaster, killed him and most of his guildsmen, and transformed them into zombies who, to this day, haul vessels and goods up and down the escarpment.

The Plateau of Thay

Although Thay’s borders stray beyond the line of the First Escarpment in a few places-- most notably in the Priador and the lands surrounding Surthay-- for the most part the nation occupies the highlands known as the Plateau of Thay.

The Plateau is a vast and fertile region, covered with farmsteads, Red Wizards’ demesnes, and the villages that surround Thayan tax stations. Completely cultivated and tamed, the Plateau contains vast plantations, orchards, and tree farms, where slaves tend crops, pick fruit, fell timber, and perform other tasks under the watchful eyes of their overseers. Gnoll and human troops constantly patrol the area, keeping a sharp lookout for escaped slaves and foreign travelers.

About 150,000 free Thayans inhabit the Plateau, living in small villages or overseeing slave farms. Vast barracks house over 1,000,000 slaves and their gnoll guards. These slaves are worked mercilessly, tilling the land, planting, and harvesting Thay’s crops. The realm’s enormous free (slave) labor pool enables Thay to produce huge amounts of grain and other food crops, which are exported throughout the eastern realms, bringing further prosperity to the Red Wizards.

Travel on the Plateau is dangerous, since this land comprises the heartland of Thay itself. The small fortresses known as tax stations are located at strategic points throughout the regions; each contains dozens of troops, and most have small villages attached to them.

Many Red Wizards maintain towers or palaces throughout the region, and keep tight control of the land around their domains. Trespassers on Red Wizards’ estates are dealt with harshly-- lucky ones are enslaved, while the less fortunate meet horrific fates in the wizards’ dungeons or laboratories.

The Priador

To the south of the Plateau of Thay, beneath the sheltering ramparts of the First Escarpment and between the Lapendrar and Thazarim Rivers, lie these coastal plains and rolling grasslands. With the exception of independent small slave farm complexes and the coastal settlements of Bezantur, Thasselen, and Murbant, the Priador remains in a largely wild state. It also harbors a number of preserves where the Red Wizards keep monsters required for research and spell components. There are no restrictions on these creatures, and Thayan law states that the creatures’ owners are not liable for any damage they do or deaths they inflict.

Originally under the nominal control of the Tharchion of Lapendrar, the region was given full Tharch status after the capture of the coastal cities and the Salamander War of 1357. The old Tharch of Bezantur was incorporated into the new region, and that thriving port city now serves as the Tharchion’s seat. The Priador is under the control of the sadistic Zulkir of Evocation Aznar Thrul.

The River Eltar

This relatively short river originates in the Thaymount region, then flows swiftly down to Lake Thaylambar.  Legend claims that the river was created by the Red Wizards themselves when they summoned a powerful extraplanar being to aid them in their battle for independence from Mulhorand. Today, the Eltar provides much of the water to Thay’s capital city Eltabbar and helps to create the canals that divide its major districts.

The River Gauros

This river flows from the Sunrise Mountains, through Thay’s eastern regions and down the First Escarpment, joining the River Mulsantir in the rocky Gorge of Gauros. The Gorge of Gauros was the site of the last invasion into Rashemen.

The River Lapendrar

This second longest river in Thay is also known as the River of Sorrows, in memory of the miners who died in the gold mines near its headwaters and the warriors of Aglarond and Thay who died along its banks during Halacar’s invasion of Thay in 1260 DR.  The Lapendrar is also an important avenue of trade and travel in the southern tharchs, flowing down from Thaymount and past the ihindependentl. city of Amruthar, where the Eastern Way crosses its waters at the Feldsparr Bridge. The Lapendrar also forms part of Thay’s border with Aglarond and has been the scene of many clashes and confrontations over the centuries.

The River Sur

This river forms part of Thay’s northern border with Thesk. Narrow and swift at its origin, a spring located along the top of the First Escarpment, the Sur slows and widens rapidly, becoming wide, shallow, and infested with disease-carrying insects as it flows past the Surmarsh, finally emptying into Lake Mulsantir. Despite its proximity to Thay, the Red Wizards have little influence over the Sur and its environs, though vessels from Surthay periodically sail here to fish.

The River Thay

Navigable for almost its entire length, the Thay is the major artery of travel and commerce for the northern Tharchs. River traffic from Surthay to Eltabbar is heavy, and the Thayans patrol the river heavily, keeping a watch out for unauthorized travelers and occasional raids by skrags or lacedons that apparently originate near the ruins of Delhumide.

The River Thazarim

The clear blue river Thazarim originates in Lake Thaylambar, flows south across the Plain of Thay, then turns abruptly eastward, cutting a deep gorge through the Surague Escarpment before once more flowing southward in a series of magnificent waterfalls from both the Surague and the First Escarpment and finally terminating in the deep waters of the Alamber Sea. While much of the Thazarim is used for travel, the regions near the Escarpments are impassable due to the falls.

The River Umber

The Umber originates on the slopes of Thaymount and tumbles down the First Escarpment at Nethentir. Though it is not important to Thay’s economy, it forms an important part of the defense of Aglarond.

The Ruins of Delhumide

As Eltabbar is the capital of modem Thay, so was the city of Delhumide the imperial seat when Mulhorand ruled the land. Shattered by the powers of the Red Wizards’ summoned tanar’ri, Delhumide lies in ruins today. No structures higher than one story remain intact above ground, although extensive, labyrinthine tunnels still exist below.

The Second Escarpment

Looming above the Plateau of Thay is another ring of cliffs called the Second Escarpment. Similar in appearance to the First Escarpment, these cliffs rise up to a second plateau, then swiftly to the craggy peaks of Thaymount. Not much is known about the Second Escarpment and its features. The Thayans maintain several garrisons in the same manner as the First Escarpment, and access to the lands surrounding Thaymount is tightly controlled. This may be due to the many secret goings on at Thaymount itself. The Second Escarpment contains extensive gold mines, worked by slaves and overseen by the Tharchion of Thaymount.

The Surague Escarpment

Yet another line of towering cliffs forms Thay’s eastern borders. Beyond the Surague Escarpment lie the Sunrise Mountains, guardians of the Endless Waste and the far eastern lands beyond. This is a wild and underpopulated region of Thay, and the Red Wizards maintain minimal forces here beyond a handful of small fortresses.

The Surmarsh

This dreary, fever-ridden swamp is claimed by Thay and inhabited by tribes of lizard men, possibly the degenerate descendants of the Citadel’s original builders. Thayan nobles sometimes venture into the swamp on hunting expeditions, hoping to bring home a black dragon, roper, or otyugh-- all of which are known to dwell in the Surmarsh.

Tax Stations

Each tax station is a small fortress featuring a tower and defensible keep and containing a garrison of 30-50 gnoll or human fighters. Villages have sprung up around most tax stations, providing such services as smithies, wheelwrights, livery stables, inns, and caravan suppliers. Each tax station is responsible for taking a fee from travelers for the upkeep of the road and maintenance of its garrison. Ambitious young civil servants often volunteer to manage tax stations as a way of gaining recognition from their superiors.

Tax stations are maintained by their region’s Tharchion or Tharchioness, who sets the tax rate and oversees maintenance of roads and trade routes. The tax rate varies from Tharch to Tharch but is rarely exorbitant.

Woe to the traveler who refuses to pay, however, for the Tharchions have little patience with lawbreakers.


Rising up in the center of Thay are the rugged volcanic peaks known collectively as Thaymount. Access to Thaymount is tightly controlled by the Red Wizards, who maintain numerous fortresses in and along the edge of the Second Escarpment. Exactly what the wizards do on Thaymount is not known for certain. It is known that Thaymount contains the ancient fortress complex known as the Citadel and the thriving gold mines that help maintain Thay’s prosperity.

The tharchion of Thaymount, one of the most powerful nobles in Thay, has an extensive estate here, built into the slopes of Thaymount itself. This vast fortress and palace contains barracks for Thay™s military reserve-- thousands of gnolls, darkenbeasts, and other fell creatures. In addition, a number of minor earthquakes and ash clouds rising from the higher peaks of Thaymount suggests that volcanic activity in the area is increasing.


The eastern bank of the Thazarim River, once a prosperous farming region, is now considered nothing more than a vast graveyard. Thousands died here in the struggles between Thay and Mulhorand. Today the land is largely uninhabited, though caravans sometimes travel here en route to Durpar and Raurin. Some travelers’ stories tell of numerous undead, the troublesome spirits of slain warriors which haunt the region.

People and Society

In Thay, there are four societies: the Red Wizards, the nobility (mostly the Mulan), the commoners (mostly the Rashemi), and the slaves. The slaves far outnumber the others, and the commoners labor nearly as strenuously as the slaves; the nation is controlled absolutely by the Red Wizards, and they share their authority with no one.


The common people of Thay are descended from the same racial stock as the inhabitants of nearby Rashemen, but they differ greatly in history and culture. They are tough and sturdy, averaging a little over five feet in height, dusky of skin and dark of eye. Men are hirsute, often bearing bushy beards, and are handsome in a somewhat ursine manner. Women tend to be short and muscular, and wear their black hair long, often in elaborate braids. Both sexes are strong, hard workers and make good warriors.

Rashemi in Thay dress simply, in baggy trousers, tunics, or smocks. Personal decoration is limited among the lower classes, though an occasional earring, bracelet, or ring is not uncommon. Wealthier Thayan Rashemi wear rich robes and cloaks and often shave their heads and bear tattoos in imitation of the ruling Mulan class.


Although common Thayans are the most likely to be encountered by visitors and adventurers, the real power in Thay lies with the Mulan, the descendants of the renegade Mulhorandi who first founded the nation. They are tall, spare, and sallow complected. Fashion dictates that the Mulan remove what little body hair they possess, usually replacing hair with fanciful tattoos-- stylized representations of dragons, fiends, legendary monsters, cryptic runes, or abstract designs. Among the Red Wizards, tattoos are often magical as well as decorative. This passion for tattooing has spread throughout Thay, and it is said that the skin artists in the port city of Bezantur are the best in all the Realms.


Many other races inhabit Thay as well, but most are not considered civilized beings by the general populace. These are the slaves, and they come to Thay from many lands. The most common slaves are those from neighboring Rashemen and Aglarond, captured in slaving raids by the forces of various Red Wizards and Tharchions. Humans from dozens of other nations may also be found here along with dwarves, halflings, gnomes, orcs, goblins, gnolls, and other nonhumans. Elves are the most prized slaves in Thay, but they are rare, being hard to get in the first place and having a tendency to die rather than submit to captivity. Drow are the rarest slave race but seem to take to it better than their Elven cousins.

Slaves crouch at the lowest rung of Thayan society. They are considered nothing more than property and are treated as such-- bought, sold and traded, mercilessly punished or thoughtlessly put to death for the smallest infraction. Most agricultural and mining slaves wear only the most minimal clothing: rags, loincloths, or tattered tunics. To distinguish them from their masters, slaves are forbidden to cut their hair, and one can tell the length of their enslavement by this.

Manumission, or freeing, of slaves is forbidden in Thay. Once an individual is sold, he or she is considered a slave for life and nothing short of escape can bring freedom. Particularly beloved or successful slaves are sometimes given their own estates by grateful owners, or are given positions with considerable authority and freedom, but in the eyes of Thayan law they remain slaves. The children of a slave are likewise considered slaves and can never be freed, either.

The Red Wizards

The most important group in Thay, and the one most often associated with the nation, is the Red Wizards. Originally a dissident faction of Mulhorand magicians, they have evolved into the elite ruling class of one of the most evil and corrupt nations on Toril.

Red Wizards are always Mulan. It is forbidden by custom for a Red Wizard to take on an apprentice who is not of Mulan extraction. They are the only group in Thay allowed to wear red- anyone else foolish or ignorant enough to wear such color is rewarded by instant death at the hands of the Red Wizards themselves.

The Zulkirs

The wizards choose eight representatives, or Zulkirs, from among their ranks, one for each school of magic. Zulkirs are usually the most powerful member of each school, though occasionally the rank falls to the most politically astute. Competition for the position of Zulkir is intense, since Zulkirs are the most powerful individuals in Thay. Once elected to the position, a Zulkir serves until they can no longer hold the position.

The identities of the various Zulkirs are usually kept secret from the general public, though rumor and high level “leaks” usually reveal their identity. The current known Zulkirs and their political positions are listed below.

bulletZulkir of Necromancy. Szass Tam: The most powerful and infamous Zulkir, Szass Tam has lived the last two centuries as a lich and today plots to take absolute power in Thay. It is rumored that he has recently been weakened in a battle in Eltabbar that caused massive earthquakes in that region.
bulletZulkir of Abjuration. Lallara Mediocros: Cunning and intelligent, Mediocros is allied with Szass Tam. Her chaotic and unpredictable personality makes her of limited use, for she tends to ignore Tam’s entreaties and be elsewhere when he needs her most.
bulletZulkir of Alteration. Druxus Rhym: Rhym is the greatest spokesperson for the new movement to create Thayan enclaves throughout Faerun, selling magic to the less knowledgeable.
bulletZulkir of Evocation. Aznar Thrul: The only Red Wizard currently serving as both Zulkir and Tharchion (of the Priador), Thrul is possessed of a ruthlessness and drive for power second only to Szass Tam himself. He opposes Tam and launched a disastrous invasion of Rashemen a few years ago, with Lauzoril and Nevron, using his gemstone golems as invincible shock troops.
bulletZulkir of Conjuration. Nevron: This relatively new Zulkir is an aggressive expansionist and hates Szass Tam. It is rumored that he plans to invade Aglarond in the near future.
bulletZulkir of Enchantment. Lauzoril: Lauzoril is a scheming and dangerous man who formed an alliance of with Nevron and Aznar Thrul to fight Szass Tam's ambitions.  He supports Rhym’s enclave scheme, making many Thayans speculate that his alliances with Nevron and Thrul may soon crumble.
bulletZulkir of Illusion. Mythrell’aa: This mysterious wizard seems content to remain in her tower in Bezantur, served by mindless slaves. Thus far, she has apparently remained neutral in the struggle between Szass Tam and his rivals.
bulletZulkir of Divination. Yaphyll: Yaphyll is the youngest of the Zulkirs but is highly capable nonetheless. She supports Druxus and Szass Tam, and is suspected to be Tam’s puppet.

The Tharchions

bulletTharchioness of Alaor. Thessaloni Canos: The Tharchioness of Alaor is a skilled military commander and sailor. She has held this position for decades despite many conspiracies to replace her, and despite the death of her brother Mikal, who was one of her strongest allies.
bulletTharchion of Delhumide. Invarri Metran: An intelligent and secretive man, Metran oversees his Tharch with considerable skill.
bulletTharchioness of Eltabbar. “The Tharchioness”: The woman today known only as the Tharchioness has ruled the Tharch of Eltabbar for over a fifteen years. The Tharchioness’ greatest accomplishment is her recent marriage to Selfaril Uoumdolphin, the High Blade of Mulmaster. While she spends most of her time in Thay, the Tharchioness visits Selfaril thrice yearly, and she maintains a large staff of Red Wizards at the Thayan enclave in Mulmaster to promote Thayan interests.
bulletTharchioness of Gauros. Azhir Kren: Kren hates Rashemen, scheming and drilling her troops for the day that Thay will eventually crush the witches and their berserker armies. She is a skilled warrior who has fought many battles against the berserkers.
bulletTharchion of Lapendrar. Hezass Nymur: Nymar is a cleric of Kossuth.  He claims more territory than he actually controls, and is considered to be more of a braggart than a leader.
bulletTharchion of Priador. Zulkir Aznar Thrul: The only Red Wizard currently serving as both Zulkir (of Evocation) and Tharchion, Thrul is possessed of a ruthlessness and drive for power second only to Szass Tam himself. He rules his Tharch with cruelty and savage efficiency and constantly plots to increase his power within Thay. Thrul gained his position after defeating the former Tharchioness of Bezantur, Mari Agneh, both politically and magically.
bulletTharchioness of Pyarados. Nymia Focar: Focar’s major interest is maintaining her personal fortune. She is known to overtax merchants and the adventurers who wish to travel into the Sunrise Mountains. She is vain, petty, and greedy.
bulletTharchion of Surthay. Homen Odesseiron: A grizzled veteran of many raids and battles with the Rashemen.  He is brave and skilled with veteran troops at his command.
bulletTharchion of Thaymount. Pyras Autorian: Autorian is considered a figurehead Tharchion put in office by Szass Tam. Tam is the real power on Thaymount, and Autorian simply does what he is told. He is otherwise an undistinguished bureaucrat with little experience or skill.
bulletTharchion of Thazalhar. Milsantos Daramos: Daramos is a veteran warrior who claims that his primary duty is service to Thay and the security of Thay’s border with Mulhorand.
bulletTharchion of Tyraturos. Dimon (Tyraturos): Dimon was once a cleric of Waukeen and administers his Tharch with great expertise. He stays out of politics and is generally left alone as long as the taxes keep flowing.

Cities of Thay

Although the vast majority of Thay’s population lives on slave estates scattered throughout the land, the cities are critical to the nation’s survival. Crowded and dirty, Thay’s cities are bustling centers of trade, industry, and government.


Theoretically independent of Thay, the thriving trade city of Amruthar is actually controlled the ruler known as the Hierarch. The Red Wizards generally leave Amruthar in peace as long as the tribute continues to flow.

Amruthar is surrounded by stout stone walls and boasts a population of over 30,000. Its city guards are professional and efficient but are only lightly armed, serving as a police force rather than a true defensive army; the Zulkirs would never allow the city to develop a real army. Beyond the walls lies a vast tent city where merchants sell their wares and migrant workers live. This area is somewhat on the lawless side and rarely visited by Amruthar’s authorities.

The atmosphere here is far less oppressive than that in the rest of Thay. Wide streets are lined with many shops and inns, and the central marketplace is alive with colorful pavilions and booths. Several parks are maintained by the Hierarch at considerable expense for the enjoyment of the populace.

Amruthar was once home to Zulkir Maligor, a major rival of Szass Tam who sought supreme power in Thay. Since Maligor’s defeat at the hands of Tam, (with the unwilling cooperation of several Harper agents), no Red Wizard has lived in Amruthar, although they still make extended visits to the city.

The occasional presence of Thayan wizards, nobles, or gnoll soldiers adds an uneasy edge to all this beauty and reminds both visitors and the city’s inhabitants that Amruthar remains under the thumb of the Red Wizards. In reality, the broad avenues, bustling shops, and colorful pavilions are nothing more than a facade, one which the residents know the Red Wizards can crush any time they choose.

The Hierarch and his nobles are all lost in their world of luxury and decadent living, doling out much of the city’s considerable treasury on public works, festivals, and other activities to keep the populace happy. The Hierarch’s palace, once a stem military citadel, has been transformed into a fanciful fairy-castle with many slim towers, buttresses, slender bridges, and attached buildings. Here the nobles engage in endless celebrations and feasts, purposefully ignoring the wicked land to which they are beholden.

The rest of the city is not as enchanted with the Thayan shadow. Outside the palace, three major factions vie for influence. The largest of these, the Realists, wish to maintain the status quo: keeping the Zulkirs happy while maintaining the city’s ostensibly free status. Amruthar may be a puppet state, the Realists claim, but at least the Thayans allow the city’s inhabitants a relative degree of independence. The Thayans are aware of the Realists’ existence and leave them alone, since their stated goal is consistent with the Zulkirs’ aims in the region.

The next largest faction, the Independents, favors severing all ties with Thay. Most Independents realize that this is a long-term goal and that an immediate break with Thay would lead to war and the inevitable destruction of the city. The Independents therefore favor a slow buildup of the city’s power, coupled with covert contacts outside of Thay to secure military or magical help if necessary.

The smallest faction, the Aglarondians, favor union with the nation of Aglarond and crave the protection of the Simbul. Due to Aglarond’s geographical distance and the fact that the small nation lacks the military force to hold the city, most consider the Aglarondians’ goals to be hopelessly unrealistic. Not surprisingly, prominent sympathizers tend to disappear, which is taken as proof that the city exists only at the Red Wizards’ indulgence.



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This page was updated on Friday, August 11, 2006