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 13 August, 2006

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Scott Bennie

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I am a member of the FR mailing list, a great source for FR info and ideas, not to mention goodies!  When Scott Bennie sent this "Call for Help" I was glad to help! --Oh, and they are really, really good, too!

All of the material below is written by Scott Bennie, please contact him with questions, comments, and for permission to distribute or post this material.

In a message dated 8/30/01, Scott Bennie wrote:

"Thanks in part to Michael Morrus and a few other friendly denizens of the WOTC chat room, I was finally able to put together a new .pdf with my Mulhorandi prestige classes and other material that I'm happy with, (at least as happy as I can be with my limited layout skills).

The problem is, I'd rather not repeat the mass mailings I did earlier; I love you guys, but they're a lot of hassle. :-) The .pdf really should go on a web site, but unfortunately I won't have one for the foreseeable future.

Does anyone have a web site that would be willing to host the most current version of the .pdf?"

Yes! Here are Scott's PDF files, revised in May, 2003:

bulletOld Empires Prestige Classes, Spells, and Sundry [840 KB PDF]
bulletOld Empires Print Version [821 KB PDF]: Scott: "I saw the message on the list from the person who wanted to print the file without the papyrus, so I've distilled a "printable" version without the background."
bulletOld Empires Prestige Classes [1.4 MB ZIP]:  Both versions in a zip file.

Newer Articles

Scott has written a couple of new articles that offer interesting insight and flavor text.   Especially helpful for those that are not  familiar with Egyptian rites, and a fun read for everyone.

Note:  Both of these articles are written as something that a character doing research in a library may find.  There are errors throughout the articles, including intentional spelling errors, as these articles are actually player handouts.  To assist players and DMs sort out the errors, common in the style of writing used, Scott used (sic) after the erroneous text.  A primary example is that the fictitious author misspells "Mulhorandi" as "Mulhoarandi" consistently throughout both articles.  I hope that clears up any confusion!  

bulletA Mulhorandi Marriage Ceremony [HTML]
bullet Journey Of A Dead Mulhorandi [HTML]


This page designed and written by Catherine Keene, unless otherwise stated. 2001-2005.
Direct comments and site problems to her at:
This page was updated on Sunday, August 13, 2006