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 13 August, 2006

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TS: Books

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Here are the files that I've tweaked to get a bit more variation and Forgotten Realms references.  To use them, you will need TableSmith installed on your computer.  These files either replace the existing files or simply need to be dropped into the file folders within the TableSmith program.  At this time, since this is a work in progress, I do not have neat zipped packages of files that can just be dropped into the program.  What I'm doing is offering you the files I've worked on and giving you a description of what I've done- take it or leave it.  An understanding of *simple* programming is needed to make use of these files.  The folders are in your Tables folder in your TableSmith folder.

As I run Forgotten Realms material, these files reference the files that I tweaked or created to add FR Flavor to the goodies.  See the TS: FR Flavor page for those files.

Book Descriptions

Basically, I started tweaking with the Book Descriptions file, then tweaked the Book Titles file.  After that I tweaked the Formal Names file, since many of the authors generated by the Book Titles had place names.  Here's the affected files list.

bulletBook  I wanted a different break down in prices, with the books that had more "special" attributes being more expensive.  This file references the Book Titles file, Creatures file, and General Quality file (from the Miscellaneous folder, part of the basic TableSmith package). This file replaces the original Book in the Treasure folder.
bulletBook  The book titles generate most of the interest in the book descriptions.  This file was strongly reworked.  It references many files that you'll need to have to make it work right.  Those files are: Instant Adventure,,,,, Formal, and  Many of the references are to specific parts of the files, so you will need the files I updated.  The Instant Adventure Namer isn't part of the original TableSmith package, but one that you can download from the Mythosa site. This file replaces the original Book in the Names folder.

This page designed and written by Catherine Keene, unless otherwise stated. 2001-2005.
Direct comments and site problems to her at:
This page was updated on Sunday, August 13, 2006