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These items were created in 3E, some conversion may be necessary. Hand of BaneThere are many Hands of Bane. Typically, a Hand of Bane is a large, 18' tall, jet black hand with fingers upright and together. Recently, there have been many witnesses that have seen a Hand of Bane clench with godly might as Bane re-emerged. The Hand is made of a heavy material, often a hardwood or stone. The Hand of Bane is used in holy ceremonies to the Black Lord where it floats above the Black Altar. It is also instrumental in the torture, humiliation, and death of those sacrificed to Bane. The Hand of Bane often has the following powers, that can only be activated by Bane's faithful:
Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Faithful of Bane, Craft Wondrous Item, Unholy Blight, Death Knell, Desecrate; Market Price: 85,400 gp; Weight: 30+ lbs.; Source: KingsTears@aol.com. The Torc of SilvanusThe Torc of Silvanus is a holy item given to the faithful of Silvanus upon completion of their initial training as a Druid. Torcs are usually bronze or silver, and heavy, with simple designs and runes carved deeply into the metal and blackened with age and use. Wearing the Torc allows the Druid to prepare spells without carrying a holy canon as well as understand and speak Sylvan and the holy Druidic language. It is a symbol of the faith recognized by others in the faith and anyone who makes a successful Religion check with a DC of 15. Any character wearing the Torc receives a +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks when dealing with woodland races and creatures. The Torc cannot be removed, even from the dead, except by the faithful of Silvanus. Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Faithful of Silvanus, Craft Wondrous Item, Charm Person or Animal, Speak with Animals; Market Price: 1,000 gp; Weight: --.; Source: KingsTears@aol.com. The Dawn OrbThe Dawn Orb is a Lathanderite holy artifact. Once it was housed in the Spires of the Morning in Waterdeep, but it was taken into Undermountain to fight undead and has been lost. The Dawn Orb cannot be chipped or shattered; however, it can be physically covered and locked away. The Dawn Orb appears to be a crystal ball; a smooth orb carved out of the most clearly transparent rose quartz that is four inches in diameter. However, it is not a crystal ball. Upon command, the Dawn Orb channels Lathander's light, sending forth the brilliant light of the dawn. When lit, the Orb is nearly impossible to look at directly. Under normal circumstances, the light projected by the orb is a golden Daylight (as the spell), and fills the room, or a quarter mile radius, which ever is smaller. When brought into a magical Darkness, the Daylight is reduced to a 25-foot radius, but cannot be negated. Further, undead creatures caught within the 25-foot radius of the Dawn Orb are effected by Searing Light (as the spell: 10th level, DC of 25). Evil creatures that touch or are touched by the Dawn Orb are immediately effected by a Flame Strike (as the spell: 10th level, DC 23). Good and neutral creatures are unaffected by the Orb, unless they are vulnerable to Daylight. Caster Level: 20th; Prerequisites: Sunrise Lord of Lathander, Craft Wondrous Item, Heighten Feat, Spell Focus: Evocation Feat, Daylight, Flame Strike, Searing Light; Market Price: 1,030,000 gp; Weight: 12 lbs.; Source: KingsTears@aol.com. |